BTS is a boyband with powerful music, otherworldly charm, and brilliant minds that speak words of hope.
The 75th United Nations Assembly has just taken place, and it was one like never before. Unlike the 74 previous assemblies held by the UN, this one was primarily held via virtual meetings and pre-recorded speeches by representatives from various nations.

Screen Capture from The United Nations General Assembly
It's been two years in the making, but BTS is back at the United Nations General Assembly following their first appearance in 2018. At the time, the Korean superstars were invited to advocate the launch of UNICEF's "Love Yourself" Campaign, which aimed to end violence against youth. The group's fearless leader, Kim Namjoon (A.K.A. RM) spoke words that stirred, riveted, and inspired people into action.
This time, BTS was invited as speakers by the Group of Friends of Solidarity for Global Health Security. The organization was a thoughtful initiative launched by South Korea with the objective of tackling health security issues, such as the pandemic. Comprising of 40 UN members, South Korea, Denmark, Sierra Leone, Qatar, and Canada stand as the co-chairs of the effort.
September 23, 2020 marks the 75th UNGA and the Korean group's second invitation to the organization's event. This year, the septet spoke words of hope and resilience with the focus on the global health crisis that has impacted us all. Spearheaded by RM, the K-Pop phenomena poured out their insights on the challenges that we may have to face and things to overcome as a result of COVID-19.

Screen Capture From The United Nations General Assembly
RM gave the opening remarks by sharing his deep appreciation for being invited to speak again at the event. Addressing the effects of COVID-19 and how he experienced a moment of no longer being able to see the stars in the sky, he expressed that the pandemic was beyond the possibilities that he imagined for himself and all of us.
Suga took the floor next, describing how life suddenly became simple by the unwanted yet welcome precautions brought about by lockdown. "The room itself was small, but my world and our world reached far and wide." He mused as he compared a stadium of thousands to the small space he was confined to. Despite the setback that cancelled their tour and partially froze the entertainment industry, BTS was able to reach people in every corner of the world.
Jimin was next up to speak, and he told viewers how he felt that his world had suddenly shrunk to a room, but his friends took his hand and helped him through it.
His fellow 95-liner, V, gave us a glimpse into how isolation has prompted him onto a soul searching journey. He poured his sincere feelings out by sharing that he felt frustrated and depressed, but he found outlets to stay productive by taking notes, writing music, and discovering who he is. He reflected on his experiences by telling himself that this is what an awesome person would do.

Screen Capture From The United Nations General Assembly
Resident sunshine, J-Hope expressed that the global health crisis instilled a sense of raw honesty into their music. "We embraced all these emotions, and the seven of us began to make music together. This is where the music came from, and it made us honest."
Jin shared that he found his family, friends, music, and himself once again in this time of isolation and reflection. "In a world full of uncertainty, we must cherish the importance of 'me', 'you', and 'us'." He continued thoughtfully.
Jungkook echoed RM's sentiments, and said that when he failed to see the stars, he looked out the window and saw all their reflections looking back at them, signaling that if we can't see the stars, we'll have to be our own light.
As closing profound closing remarks, RM stated: "We might stumble and fall down, but stars shine brightest when the night is darkest. If the stars are hidden, then we'll let moonlight guide us. Even if the moon is dark, let our faces be the light that helps us find the way. Let's reimagine our world. We're huddled together, tired, but let's dream again. Let's dream about a future where our worlds can break out of our small rooms again. It might feel like it's always night, and we'll always be alone, but the night is always darkest before the first light of dawn." Spoken like a young sophist, in profound words that resonate deep.

Screen Capture from The United Nations General Assembly
Every representative who spoke during the assembly shared empowering messages that informated, comforted, and encouraged people all over the globe with the hope for a better tomorrow. Traversing the details of their current status, initiatives, and insights on the health and socioeconomic impact of the pandemic, the UN truly united all us once again by giving us another spark of hope.
In celebration of the United Nations 75th anniversary, the best of the world was brought together and connected in a way that radiated profound power. In person or not, the prestigious assembly lived up to its purpose. The United Nations has always been a global platform for the world to connect and collaborate, and even in these trying times, they have found ways to work around the obstacles and come together to share thoughts, feelings, and ideas on how to stay one step ahead of the pandemic.
In the words of BTS, our worlds have temporarily shrunk to a room, but we must always remember that the night is darkest before the first light of dawn. Life goes on. Let's live on.
Watch BTS' full speech here
Source: United Nations
Image Source: United Nationals General Assembly 2020